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Hinton, Alberta

Hinton Mountain Bike Association.  Our goal is to develop, maintain and promote the best possible mountain biking opportunities around the Hinton area, while ensuring responsible and safe practices in environmental conservation, trail construction, trail maintenance and riding.

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Secure Energy Donation


HMBA sometimes takes heed of the well known quote "Good things come to those that wait!" -- So it may have taken a year to get this photo, but its a good one! Seriously, a year ago Secure Energy donated $10k to HMBA and for that we are very grateful. It took this long to be able to get both groups together for this photo opportunity, but it was nice to finally meet and be able to thank them in person.  It's because of generous donations like this from our corporate friends that projects like this summer's Skill's Area and Dirt Jump Facelift can happen, so THANK YOU to Secure Energy!

Pictured left-to-right: Jan (HMBA Prez), Jason Kazmir (Obed Manager), Laura Balcaen (Sales/Marketing), Julie (HMBA VP), Marie-Soleil (HMBA Treasurer) and Kevin (HMBA Trails/Operations).

Pictured left-to-right: Jan (HMBA Prez), Jason Kazmir (Obed Manager), Laura Balcaen (Sales/Marketing), Julie (HMBA VP), Marie-Soleil (HMBA Treasurer) and Kevin (HMBA Trails/Operations).