Trail Side Chat With Sarah
HMBA is chatting it up with some local women riders to find out why they love mountain biking in Hinton! We hope you've enjoyed this series! We may have other 'chats' later this summer to get to know some of the men riders as well, so stay tuned...
Meet Sarah
HMBA: How long have you been riding in Hinton?
Sarah: I started mountain biking last year and my first ride was in May. My boyfriend took me up Happy Creek West, and actually, I hated it. What was with all the climbing!!? My tires would slip on roots, gears were hard and the climbing seemed to be soooo long! After a few rides and a couple of tips, I was starting to see the fun and I quickly got hooked!! From the last rider of the group last year, I am now a strong rider and look forward to leading some ladies rides myself this year.
Didn't take Sarah look to be hooked on mountain biking!
HMBA: How would you describe your riding level?
Sarah: Intermediate/Advanced
HMBA: What style of riding do you do?
Sarah: I ride an all mountain/trail bike.
HMBA: What are your favorite things to ride at the bike park?
Sarah: I like to go to the bike park a few times a month and practice my skills in the skills area and who doesn't love lapping Flow Master!! My favorite trails at the bike park are Business Time, Cougar Ridge and Flow Master.
HMBA: Do you ride the trails in our trails systems? What’s your favorite loop?
Sarah: I ride all the trails in and around Hinton. I don't have a favorite loop as I always love to mix it up. Finishing on Just Giv'er and the last part of Happy Creek West is always an awesome ending! <big smiles>
HMBA: If you had one minute to talk to someone new to biking – what would you say?
- Don't give up
- Go at your own pace
- Challenge yourself
- Enjoy your ride!
Sarah is always challenging herself!
HMBA: If you had one minute to talk to someone who bikes, but is new to Hinton – what would you say?
Sarah: Hinton has a great trail network and a fun bike park. There is something here for every style of rider.
HMBA: How would you describe a typical Ladies’ Ride to someone who hasn’t been on one yet?
Sarah: Ladies rides are fun! You will make great friends and trail side chats are a lot more interesting than biking with the guys. LOL!
HMBA: In what ways do you give back to HMBA?
Sarah: I give back by cleaning up trails of litter whilst I am out riding and I also help plan events for HMBA (and does a great job too! - HMBA). Stay tuned for BBF 2015!
Sarah's first event as HMBA's newest Event Coordinator! - 2014 Halloween Ride
HMBA: What do you wish there would be more of?
Sarah: I wish there were more opportunities to shuttle downhill trails in Hinton as apart of a group ride.
HMBA: Thanks Sarah!! Anything else to add?
Sarah: Ride Bikes = Happy Life