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Hinton, Alberta

Hinton Mountain Bike Association.  Our goal is to develop, maintain and promote the best possible mountain biking opportunities around the Hinton area, while ensuring responsible and safe practices in environmental conservation, trail construction, trail maintenance and riding.

Bike Park TLC

Blog Posts


Bike Park TLC

Bike Hinton

The Hinton Bike Park is getting a good round of maintenance and buffing - thanks to the great work done by the crew of Hoots Inc., with some help by HMBA volunteers during our work bees.  Check our event calendar for the next one!

With a lot of rain in the forecast, PLEASE stay out of the park, especially in areas that have been buffed up. These areas need to have a chance to settle, compact and harden.

If a section is taped off with flagging tape - this means STAY OUT. By using features when they are not ready, you will be destroying all the hard work put into it! (which costs $$$).

Hoots Inc. are onsite for 3 weeks of solid bike park maintenance, buffing and a new feature - stay tuned!

Hoots Inc. are onsite for 3 weeks of solid bike park maintenance, buffing and a new feature - stay tuned!

Dirt Jumps

Dirt Jumps

Business Time

Business Time

Midway Pump Track

Midway Pump Track