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Hinton, Alberta

Hinton Mountain Bike Association.  Our goal is to develop, maintain and promote the best possible mountain biking opportunities around the Hinton area, while ensuring responsible and safe practices in environmental conservation, trail construction, trail maintenance and riding.

HMBA Spotlight: Beth - Vice President

Blog Posts


HMBA Spotlight: Beth - Vice President

Bike Hinton

Beth Blackman- HMBA Vice President

Beth joined the HMBA board early Summer 2019 after Casey (HMBA secretary) suggested it might be fun! Turns is! She also joined because she wants to have a part in promoting and improving biking in Hinton. Beth was born and raised in Hinton, moved away for 8 years then came back two years ago because it’s just too good here! She’s been on a mountain bike for about 8 years and prefers XC/Enduro riding...but a good DH trip is always a blast as well! (So basically all riding). Her favourite people to ride with are her husband (pictured) and sister in law. She also loves going to ladies ride because of the diverse group of women who attend and how awesome they are! Beth is also an RN at the Hinton Hospital (along with Casey) and when they’re both on shift it can be distracting because biking comes up a lot. Don’t worry, not distracting enough not to save your life! Right now she is presently on mat leave with her 5.5 month old daughter and teaching her the love of mountain biking already. If you ever see a wild lady around town with a baby in a bike trailer you can be sure it’ll be Beth 👶 🚲
