Need To Know
- When: Every Monday
- Time: **IMPORTANT TIME CHANGE for FALL** Meet at 5:45pm and be ready to ride for 6:00pm - we are starting to get even LESS light!
- Where: Bike Park Parking Lot
- Who: Ladies of all skill levels welcome (sorry NO Boys allowed)
- Why: This is just for the Ladies to go for a ride together and help each other become better riders with No Boys allowed, so go have some fun. (also feel free to also come to out on Wednesday Nights)
- Don't let your self-conciousness rule your love of riding! So what if you aren't the most serious rider, neither are all of us! And so what if you may have to walk your bike up the hills for the 1st few weeks, the important thing is that you come out and take time to do something you love! See you out there Ladies!
*Helmets are mandatory for all Hinton Mountain Bike Association events and programs.