Need a great place to sell the gear you no longer want or need? Or to sell the outdoor things your kids have grown out of? This is the place.
HMBA is hosting an OUTDOOR Gear swap at Harry Collinge on May 3rd.
You rent the table for $15 and are in charge of your own table. All we ask is that you only bring outdoor items...for example: backpacks, skis, camping gear, snow gear, bikes, etc.
All the proceeds that HMBA makes from table sales will be donated to Greg's MS Bike Fund.
There will be no ATM on site, so bring cash. HMBA will have memberships and swag for sale as well.
Email ( Stacey Cherry to book a table. Tables can be paid for at the AGM or you can make arrangements with Stacey for payment.
Event Calendar
For all group rides we meet at the Hinton Bike Park parking lot up Robb Road first right past the cemetery. View Map
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Earlier Event: May 29
Sprockids - Session 3 (Cancelled due to rain)
Later Event: June 2
Monday Ladies Ride