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Hinton, Alberta

Hinton Mountain Bike Association.  Our goal is to develop, maintain and promote the best possible mountain biking opportunities around the Hinton area, while ensuring responsible and safe practices in environmental conservation, trail construction, trail maintenance and riding.


Winter Trails

Winter Grooming

The Hinton Mountain Bike Association (HMBA) actively grooms select trails in the area for non-motorized activities such as cross country skiing, snowshoeing, bicycling, hiking, dog walking and trail running.


Click the above button to get access to a georeferenced and printable pdf map of the Winter Trails for 2017.  8.5"x11", 1400dpi, 4.3GB.

Please note that these trails are 100% groomed by volunteers.  Grooming depends on snow conditions, weather, volunteer availability and equipment functioning (they do break down!)

To find out about the most recent conditions, join our facebook group!


A specialized groomer, the same type used by nordic centres, is towed behind a small snowmobile .  The groomer is 30 inches (76 cm) wide, ideal for creating winter trails for our non-motorized recreationalists.  

Grooming is a slow process, the snowmobile runs approximately 5 kms/hr towing the groomer as it rolls and packs the trail down.  Once groomed, it will take a few hours to harden before it is ready for use.  Grooming will be done mostly at night when there are less trail users.  This will give a better chance for the snow on the trail to set.



In 2016, the HMBA added a Rokon to it's inventory.  The Rokon will allow for easier year-round maintenance and is also a great for grooming trails when the snow isn't too deep.

Make sure you high five our volunteer groomers out there!

Volunteer dedication!

Winter Grooming is 100% run by HMBA Volunteers!!

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