Early Spring Trail Report
Bike Park
With the good weather and recent winds the Bike Park is drying up fast. There are still some critical wet areas and subsequent rutting from riders who are too impatient to wait it out. The ground is still frozen and spring showers are sure to come.
The strong winds also present a hazard with unstable trees in many areas of the areas of the Park. Several of these trees will have to be professionally removed and this may take time.
If favorable conditions hold throughout the week, there will be a basic maintenance day on Saturday April 18th. This will include garbage cleanup, removing debris from the trails, raking leaves and debris from drainages and raking out the unfortunate new ruts.
Stayed tuned on our website calendar for upcoming maintenance dates!
When conditions are poor, you will see signs like these at the Hinton Bike Park.
Trail Systems
Happy Creek
The Happy Creek trail system has seen high use in the last couple of weeks with favorable temperatures and rapidly melted snow pack.
There are still a few areas with snow/ice and lots of wet problem areas throughout, especially Happy Creek East and Just Giver. All other trails are in awesome early season shape.
Downed trees on Slowcooker were cleared this weekend.
Report from Jack's Trails of downed trees and wet areas in the obvious spots.
As always, please let us know your trail feedback. Keep us informed on trail conditions and maintenance so we can pass it on to others.
See you at the AGM!