2020, HMBA, Trails HMBA 2020, HMBA, Trails HMBA

Bighorn Ridge Community Engagement

It was a productive evening at Ranchers Sports Bar and Grill last evening! HMBA hosted a community engagement session to hear members thoughts on the Bighorn Ridge Project. Matt Hadley from McElhanney is a trail technologist chosen by HMBA to oversee the master plan of this project. Matt and his wife Catherine drove all the way from Canmore to hear HMBA members hopes for the trails on Bighorn Ridge. We’re really excited about this partnership! Thanks to Ranchers for hosting this event. You can learn more about Matt here.

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2019, HMBA, Hinton Growler, Trails HMBA 2019, HMBA, Hinton Growler, Trails HMBA

New Sled for HMBA

Check out this beauty....‘Tis the season of generosity!! Thanks to Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. HMBA is the proud new owner of a snowmobile! We are blown away by this generous donation and can’t thank CNRL enough. Huge shout out to you guys! You can be sure Mike Langford will be enjoying a little one on one time with this bad boy and our trails!! 

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2019, HMBA, Sprockids, Trails Bike Hinton 2019, HMBA, Sprockids, Trails Bike Hinton

Pembina Pipeline Corp donates to HMBA

A huge thank you to Pembina Pipeline Corp. who has donated $15,000 to the Hinton Mountain Bike Association. Today, Clint Walker presented a cheque to Suzanne, HMBA Operations. HMBA is currently fundraising and applying for grants to expand the trail system on the Bighorn Ridge.

Trail building on the Bighorn Ridge started in 2018. Find out more here!

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Trails and Bike Park Not Ready Yet

It’s Spring Thaw conditions at the Hinton Bike Park. Some extra signage and tape are in place to remind users to stay out of the park until conditions improve... a lot. If your tires or footprints leave a trace - move to a dryer place 🙂. Town trails? Paved trails? Thanks for everyone’s cooperation in keeping this Hinton gem in tip top shape. Spread the word!

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2019, HMBA, Trails Bike Hinton 2019, HMBA, Trails Bike Hinton

Trail Guardian Appreciation

An HMBA Trail Guardian Appreciation gift was recently presented to Kerri and Hal Jackson. Kerri, Hal and their two dogs, Jacquie and Darcy, have done a lot of work on our trails clearing downed trees. Their efforts are truly appreciated!! Thank you!

Kudos to their two active dogs who keep their owners just as active and motivated :) 

#bikehinton #hmbatrailguardians

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Trails, HMBA, Hinton Growler, Events, 2019 Bike Hinton Trails, HMBA, Hinton Growler, Events, 2019 Bike Hinton

Trails Groomed for the Hinton Growler

Mike has been grooming after the past two days of snow, Growler course is packed and setting up nicely for next weekend's race. Race route has changed this yearr to incorporate 95% of the Hinton Bike Park, it’s fast n fun, I guarantee no hike a bike for the race! Get out & ride it! Also groomed just get there, Cleos, & Happy west.
Regular mountain bikes and hikers please avoid the Hinton Growler groomed trails, this will help us preserve the race course for race day.
Thank You

Winter Grooming 2019.jpg
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2019, HMBA, Trails HMBA 2019, HMBA, Trails HMBA

Announcing the Bighorn Ridge Trails Project

We are very excited to announce the Bighorn Ridge Trails Project!!!

This project is a collaboration between HMBA and many partners: West Fraser (Hinton), Yellowhead County, Town of Hinton, and the Foothills Recreation Management Association - with Hoots Inc. as the builder! The project was realized last summer and work already started in the Fall of 2018 with a planned completion in the Fall of 2019.

HMBA and its Partners have secured over $300,000 for 1) a new trail to the Bighorn viewpoint and 2) upgrades and improvements to the original Bighorn Trail (descent) to make it sustainable (and fun!). Further plans are already being discussed, so this could be just the beginning.

The Bighorn Trail was originally built in the early 1900s by the Dominion of Canada Forestry Service as a pack trail to patrol the forested areas along the eastern slopes. Learn more about it's history here

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Trans Mountain Expansion Project Underway

Recent trail users will likely have noticed large signs on some sections of trails in the Hinton area. These have been installed by Trans Mountain to notify all trail users of upcoming pipeline clearing/construction. There are no set timelines, but work in these areas can be expected between now and late November 2018. For more information, please visit the Trans Mountain Expansion Project website at: https://www.transmountain.com/yellowhead

Trails and features in these areas will be disturbed or removed during clearing and construction. Trans Mountain has assured HMBA that identified bike trails will be salvaged and even improved upon after construction is completed.

Pipeline Intersections.png
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2018, HMBA, Trails HMBA 2018, HMBA, Trails HMBA

History of Hinton's Bike Trails

Curious about Hinton's trail history? Using best available data and using 1990 as a starting point, these pictures show changes over time. Are there any missing trails? Did we get the dates wrong? Let us know!

Big Horn was build in the early 1990s! Would love to know when Happy Creek was initially built. Happy Creek Trail has had major re-routes 2 times in last 10 years. Over 100K has been invested in the last 10 years on Happy Creek trail alone!

Does anyone know when Jack's Trails system was built??

Trails were now being mapped and published.

Phase 1 of bike park completed. Beaver Boardwalk completed. The J and Slowcooker added.  GS, Cleo's and Phil's Thriller also added

More trails added to upper bike park

Bubba's Added

Gasifier added

Vigilante and Stinger (Bike Park) added.

Ranger added.

Rock Band added.

Pembina Sprockids Trail added to Hinton Bike Park.

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Trail Counts at the Hinton Bike Park

We have some trail user counts for the Hinton Bike Park between May 15 and July 19 => 66 days! Both Flow Master and the Pembina Sprockids Trail (PST) average 18 counts/day, where Flow Master had a max count of 93 on May 27 and PST had a max count of 52 on May 20th.

We are happy to see that Flow Master had 0 counts for the 3 downpour days after the Canada Day Long Weekend! Thank you to all uses who use trails and park responsibly :)

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2018, Trails, HMBA, Hinton Bike Park HMBA 2018, Trails, HMBA, Hinton Bike Park HMBA

Trail Counts on Hinton Trails

The HMBA has invested in 12 Trail Counters this past year. 5 are located within the Hinton Bike Park and the other 7 are located on our trail system. These units count trail users, whether biking, hiking or running. These units do not take photos - sorry to those who may have made goofy faces at them :)

We shouldn't be surprised that The J is the most used trail as it leads to one of our favorite spots: the EZ Lookout! Happy Creek and Ranger are high favorites as well.

#bikehinton #HintonBikePark

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2018, Trails, HMBA, Hinton Bike Park Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA) 2018, Trails, HMBA, Hinton Bike Park Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA)

Trail Report: May 19, 2018


Hinton Bike Park

Just a heads up: pine beetle crews are still present in and around the bike park.  Please avoid any flagged or signed areas while they complete their work. They are falling trees and are very active.  Thanks for your patience while they complete this important work.  Other than that, the bike park is dry and rideable.   Tuesday, May 22, HMBA will be doing maintenance in the park starting at 7pm.  Hope you can join us!


Happy Creek Trail System

Trails are in rideable condition!  Just a few soft spots to watch out for.  So as always, please ride with care and be conscious of muddy or soft spots.  Avoid going around wet/muddy spots - this results in trail widening.  Walking your bike through these questionable sections is always a good alternative!

Jack's Trail System

On May 15, 2018, the Board of the HMBA voted to downgrade this trail system as "unsanctioned".   A lot of clearing and fire smarting has happened in this area and the trails are very difficult/impossible to find.  Upper trails are still "untouched", but getting there will be tricky.  Ride at your own risk!



Access Road to Gasifier

Access Road to Gasifier

Gasifier is good to go! But the road to the top may still need some drying out. The snow is probably gone, but there may still be water/mud puddles on the road.  4x4 vehicle highly recommended.

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2018, HMBA, Trails, Sprockids, Events Bike Hinton 2018, HMBA, Trails, Sprockids, Events Bike Hinton

Still time to register for Shred Sisters!

Shred Sisters 2-day Weekend Workshop in Hinton on July 28-29. Only a few spots remaining!!

Intermediate level: 
This is a weekend course for women who have taken the beginner program before or have been riding for few years and are interested in improving their mountain biking skills. It is also an amazing opportunity to meet like-minded riding buddies. https://shredsisters.ca/…/weekend-workshop-intermediate-hi…/

Beginner level:
This is a weekend workshop for women who have little or no experience on a mountain bike and would like to learn the fundamentals of riding in a fun, safe, professional, and supportive environment.

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2018, Trails, HMBA, Hinton Bike Park Bike Hinton 2018, Trails, HMBA, Hinton Bike Park Bike Hinton

HMBA Downgrades Jack's Trails to "Unsanctioned"


Jack's Trails now "Unsanctioned"

On May 15, 2018, the HMBA Board or Directors had to make the decision to downgrade the Jacks Trail System to "Unsanctioned".  This means that the trail is no longer maintained by the Hinton Mountain Bike Association.  Riders ride at their own risk!

In early Spring of 2018, extensive clearing occurred in the lower areas of the trail system which ultimately erased and/or damaged the trails.  The area is also slated for future development.  The Board decided that it will focus on the Hinton Bike Park and Happy Creek Trail System moving forward.

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Trails, Sprockids, HMBA, Hinton Bike Park, Events, 2018 Bike Hinton Trails, Sprockids, HMBA, Hinton Bike Park, Events, 2018 Bike Hinton

HMBA Maintenance Nights

The HMBA has scheduled 4 maintenance nights in the upcoming weeks!

These maintenance nights will focus on the Hinton Bike Park (week 1), Happy Creek Trail Bridge (week 2), Rock Band Boardwalk (week 3) and Happy creek Trail Drainage and other bridges (week 4).

As things can be unpredictable, the work scheduled for these maintenance nights may be different than originally described.

Volunteers: Please wear appropriate shoes and clothing as we will be working in forested areas. Gloves, water and snacks highly recommended. Access to sites will be on foot, unless otherwise notified.

Meeting location for week 1 will be at the Hinton Bike Park, near seacans/parking lot. Weeks 2-4 will be determined at a later date.

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2018, Trails, HMBA, Hinton Bike Park Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA) 2018, Trails, HMBA, Hinton Bike Park Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA)

Trail Report: May 10, 2018


Hinton Bike Park

Just a heads up: pine beetle crews are hard at work in and around the bike park right now. Please avoid the area for the interim while they complete their work. They are falling trees and are very active. This is particularly true in and around the new trail (Pembina Sprockids Trail) by the park and just west of the drop zone, slope wars and Fo shore. Thanks for your patience while they complete this important work.


Happy Creek Trail System

Most trails are in rideable condition!  Just a few soft spots to watch out for on Bighorn and Just Give'r.  The connecting double-track trail between Happy Creek East and Slow Cooker (south end) is messy/muddy.

Please ride with care and be conscious of muddy or soft spots.  Avoid going around wet/muddy spots - this results in trail widening.  Walking your bike through these questionable sections is always a good alternative!

Jack's Trail System

If you are not familiar with this trail system, it is best to avoid it.  A lot of clearing and fire smarting is happening in this area and the trails are very difficult/impossible to find.



Access Road to Gasifier

Access Road to Gasifier

Gasifier is about 98% ready too! But the road to the top may still need some drying out. So if you like pushing your bike up hill, it's good to go!

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