HMBA receives donation from Talisman Logging
A huge thanks to Talisman Logging of Hinton for their generous donation to HMBA! We couldn’t operate without the considerate giving from folks like this 😊 #thankyou #bikehinton #hmba #talismanlogging #myhinton #biking#mtb
NAPA Auto Parts Donates Brush Saw
A great big ‘thank you’ to Napa Auto Parts in Hinton for donating this awesome brush saw! The beauty holding the saw is HMBA director of operations Suzanne Stevenson. Suzanne is so happy with the new saw and tells us she plans to keep our trails clear and open with this new tool. Thanks again Napa! #donations #napaautoparts #bikehinton #grateful #happytrails
Pembina Pipeline Corp donates to HMBA
A huge thank you to Pembina Pipeline Corp. who has donated $15,000 to the Hinton Mountain Bike Association. Today, Clint Walker presented a cheque to Suzanne, HMBA Operations. HMBA is currently fundraising and applying for grants to expand the trail system on the Bighorn Ridge.
Trail building on the Bighorn Ridge started in 2018. Find out more here!
Visitors can view Hinton Bike Park conditions online!
Morad Communications Ltd. has donated equipment and their time in helping (and a HUGE help at that!) HMBA get setup with a Bike Park Camera. The camera points towards the Skills Area and is meant to show what current bike park conditions are at. The web link below also shows current weather conditions and sunrise/sunset conditions - to help visitors plan their visit.
We are also limited by sunlight -> our power source! No sunlight = no power = camera is off.
Poor Air Quality in Hinton
Air Quality around Hinton is poor today and likely tomorrow too. You may want to postpone any planned biking or other outdoor actvities, especially if there are people at risk in your group!
Check this website for updates, or download the app from "AQHI Canada" to get the latest status updates.
Call for volunteers
Hinton Bike Park Deadfall Cleanup
Over the past winter, a lot of deadfall was cut along Jodoin’s Journey and the Pembina Sprockids Trail at the Hinton Bike Park last winter. We are looking for volunteers to help carry out the cut and stacked deadfall.
Date and times: Friday May 24th at 10:00am or Saturday May 25th at 10:00am.
If a minimum of 3 volunteers are available for one or both of those days, the work should take approximately 1 hour to complete.
If you are available to help out, please contact Bill or Maureen at 780-865-3346 so they have an idea of how many to expect.
Please dress for the weather and wear appropriate footwear :) Bring work gloves if you have them!
Trails and Bike Park Not Ready Yet
It’s Spring Thaw conditions at the Hinton Bike Park. Some extra signage and tape are in place to remind users to stay out of the park until conditions improve... a lot. If your tires or footprints leave a trace - move to a dryer place 🙂. Town trails? Paved trails? Thanks for everyone’s cooperation in keeping this Hinton gem in tip top shape. Spread the word!
HMBA Receives Donation from Talisman Logging
THANK YOU to Talisman Logging for their recent donation of $1,000 to the Hinton Mountain Bike Association!!! Talisman Logging has been supporting HMBA with cash donations since 2015 - these funds that have been (and will continue to be) put to good use!
Trans Mountain Expansion Project Underway
Recent trail users will likely have noticed large signs on some sections of trails in the Hinton area. These have been installed by Trans Mountain to notify all trail users of upcoming pipeline clearing/construction. There are no set timelines, but work in these areas can be expected between now and late November 2018. For more information, please visit the Trans Mountain Expansion Project website at:
Trails and features in these areas will be disturbed or removed during clearing and construction. Trans Mountain has assured HMBA that identified bike trails will be salvaged and even improved upon after construction is completed.
Trail Counts at the Hinton Bike Park
We have some trail user counts for the Hinton Bike Park between May 15 and July 19 => 66 days! Both Flow Master and the Pembina Sprockids Trail (PST) average 18 counts/day, where Flow Master had a max count of 93 on May 27 and PST had a max count of 52 on May 20th.
We are happy to see that Flow Master had 0 counts for the 3 downpour days after the Canada Day Long Weekend! Thank you to all uses who use trails and park responsibly :)
Bike Park Parking Lot Busy June 23/24
Notice to all Hinton Bike Park (parking lot) users: Saturday June 23rd, HMBA is hosting a wind-up event for our Hinton Sprockids Program. For safety reasons, access to the parking lot will be closed between 9:30am and 2:30pm. Alternative parking options can be found along Eaton Drive. Please DO NOT park on the side of Robb Road as it is an active haul road and parking is not permitted.
On Sunday, June 24th, the Hinton Disc Golf Association is having their Grand Opening event at 1pm. The parking lot is open but will likely be very busy! Again, please consider alternative parking options, or bike/walk from home!
Shred Sisters Weekend Workshop next Month!
Registration still open
Registration for 2018 is still OPEN! Have you registered yet?
We can't wait to have you join us this year--we have so much fun planned! With some new coaches, new students, new courses, we've got lots of new, new, new to share!
Beginner Workshop
2-day workshop: Learn How to Mountain Bike
This weekend workshop is for women who have little or no experience on a mountain bike and would like to learn the fundamentals of riding in a fun, safe, professional, and supportive environment.
Sign up for the Beginner Workshop!
Intermediate Workshop
2-day workshop: Improve your Mountain Bike Skills.
This weekend course is for women who have taken the beginner program before or have been riding for few years and are interested in improving their mountain biking skills. It is also an amazing opportunity to meet like-minded riding buddies.
Sign up for the Intermediate Workshop!
Still time to register for Shred Sisters!
Shred Sisters 2-day Weekend Workshop in Hinton on July 28-29. Only a few spots remaining!!
Intermediate level:
This is a weekend course for women who have taken the beginner program before or have been riding for few years and are interested in improving their mountain biking skills. It is also an amazing opportunity to meet like-minded riding buddies.…/weekend-workshop-intermediate-hi…/
Beginner level:
This is a weekend workshop for women who have little or no experience on a mountain bike and would like to learn the fundamentals of riding in a fun, safe, professional, and supportive environment.…/beginners/weekend-workshop-begin…/
Hinton Sprockids: Reminder for Parents
Well hello everyone,
Finally it's that time of year where we get out kids out learning and having fun out on our beautiful trails and bike park.
Just a few reminders:
1. 1st session (tomorrow) will be at Mountain View School.
2. If you can, please be there at 5.45pm so all the coaches can hand out all of the goodies to the riders.
3. If you haven't purchased a HMBA member, PLEASE DO IT TODAY - its for insurance purposes.
You can purchase Online, at Vicious Cycle, Bike Boy or at Hinton Voice.
4. All bikes must be in working order. They will be checked.
5. DON'T FOGET HELMETS, All children and ADULTS must have helmet. If you forget to bring a helmet we can't let you ride!!!
6. Please make sure all kids and adults go to the bathroom before arriving at sprockids as there is NO bathroom facilities at the school grounds.
7. Make sure kids are wearing appropriate clothing, footwear, bring water
8. Pray for the rain to go away for our first session.
I will send out an email if it rains to hard and we can't have our first session, so keep an eye out for it around 4pm-5pm tomorrow. If you don't get an email it will be still on, just dress for the weather condition.
I'm pretty excited to see everyone tomorrow
Thank You
Casey Hore
Sprockids Coordinator
HMBA Maintenance Nights
The HMBA has scheduled 4 maintenance nights in the upcoming weeks!
These maintenance nights will focus on the Hinton Bike Park (week 1), Happy Creek Trail Bridge (week 2), Rock Band Boardwalk (week 3) and Happy creek Trail Drainage and other bridges (week 4).
As things can be unpredictable, the work scheduled for these maintenance nights may be different than originally described.
Volunteers: Please wear appropriate shoes and clothing as we will be working in forested areas. Gloves, water and snacks highly recommended. Access to sites will be on foot, unless otherwise notified.
Meeting location for week 1 will be at the Hinton Bike Park, near seacans/parking lot. Weeks 2-4 will be determined at a later date.
Donations for HMBA & Sprockids!
Thank you!!
The Hinton Mountain Bike Association (HMBA) would like to thank the following Hinton businesses for their ongoing contributions!!
Daniel Duval at Hinton Wealth planning of Assante Financial Management Ltd. donated $300 towards the Hinton Sprockids program
West Fraser Ltd., Hinton Division donated $300 towards the Hinton Sprockids program.
Talisman Logging donated $1000 to the HMBA!
For those who missed it, here's the 2018 HMBA AGM Recap:
The following Board Members have been voted in where () shows # of years in that position:
President: Jay Hore (2nd year)
Vice-President: Colin Pratt (2nd year)
Treasurer: Julie Duval (2nd year)
Secretary: Casey MacKay (1st year)
Operations: Jesse Kirillo (2nd year)
Director at Large: Mike Langford (1st year)
Thank you, Jonathan Hayward - outgoing Secretary, for doing a great job this past year! Good luck in your new adventures!
Key points of the April 12th AGM:
- The operating budget allocated to the Hinton Bike Park via the Operating Agreement between the HMBA and the Town of Hinton has increased from $5,000 annually to $15,000 annually.
- 2018 Hinton Bike Park spring maintenance (hired contractor) will occur mid to end of May/early June.
- No new builds planned for 2018
- Hinton Sprockids (with over 80 kids registered) will be trying a different format this year: 6 sessions in May/June with a fun day with BBQ planned on June 23rd. A big welcome and thanks to Casey Hore for stepping up as our new Sprockids Coordinator.
- Shred Sisters Skills Workshop happening on July 28-29. Register online!
- Tim Trahan was recognized for his many years (10+) of volunteering and service to HMBA. Check out his bike's headset next time you meet him on the trails :)
Other things you should know:
- Two styles of jerseys are available for pre-order (before April 30th!!) Check out the options at
- HMBA has an online survey. Fill it out now!
- HMBA will have some Trail Counters on some key trails this summer which will help provide trail statistics.
- Mountain Pine Beetle work will be happening in the Hinton Bike Park and surrounding areas.
Happy Trails!
Tim Trahan Recognized at AGM
Jay Hore, HMBA President, thanked Tim Trahan at the Hinton Mountain Bike Association AGM on April 12th, 2018. Tim was a member of the HMBA Board of Directors (Operations/Trails) for 5 years, Sprockids Coordinator for 4 years, Sprockids Coach for 6 years and avid volunteer for over 10 years!
Thank you Tim for your commitment and energy. It's members like yourself that have been the building blocks to our amazing mountain bike mecca!