For those who missed it, here's the 2018 HMBA AGM Recap:
The following Board Members have been voted in where () shows # of years in that position:
President: Jay Hore (2nd year)
Vice-President: Colin Pratt (2nd year)
Treasurer: Julie Duval (2nd year)
Secretary: Casey MacKay (1st year)
Operations: Jesse Kirillo (2nd year)
Director at Large: Mike Langford (1st year)
Thank you, Jonathan Hayward - outgoing Secretary, for doing a great job this past year! Good luck in your new adventures!
Key points of the April 12th AGM:
- The operating budget allocated to the Hinton Bike Park via the Operating Agreement between the HMBA and the Town of Hinton has increased from $5,000 annually to $15,000 annually.
- 2018 Hinton Bike Park spring maintenance (hired contractor) will occur mid to end of May/early June.
- No new builds planned for 2018
- Hinton Sprockids (with over 80 kids registered) will be trying a different format this year: 6 sessions in May/June with a fun day with BBQ planned on June 23rd. A big welcome and thanks to Casey Hore for stepping up as our new Sprockids Coordinator.
- Shred Sisters Skills Workshop happening on July 28-29. Register online!
- Tim Trahan was recognized for his many years (10+) of volunteering and service to HMBA. Check out his bike's headset next time you meet him on the trails :)
Other things you should know:
- Two styles of jerseys are available for pre-order (before April 30th!!) Check out the options at www.bikehinton.com/shop
- HMBA has an online survey. Fill it out now! https://goo.gl/aLvdMa
- HMBA will have some Trail Counters on some key trails this summer which will help provide trail statistics.
- Mountain Pine Beetle work will be happening in the Hinton Bike Park and surrounding areas.
Happy Trails!