Annual General Meeting 2025

Did our recent ‘Fake Spring’ weather get you excited for the upcoming mountain biking season? We sure hope so!

While we may be getting fresh snow today, Spring 2025 is just around the corner. As such, our ‘Annual General Meeting’ has been scheduled to jumpstart our club’s 2025 membership season. We will be meeting at the Old Grind @ 7pm on April 8th, 2025. During this AGM, our Board will present a review of HMBA’s 2024/2025 activities, highlight upcoming 2025/2026 activities, and look for community feedback and support.

Most importantly, this AGM is also when volunteers in our community step up and commit to helping HMBA for the upcoming year. The Board of Directors positions are elected volunteer positions that will be voted in for the 2025/2026 year. Coordinator positions are appointed by the Board of Directors following the AGM, but we will be looking to identify interest in our volunteer Coordinator positions at our AGM as well.

For more information on how you can volunteer with HMBA this upcoming year, please email:

We look forward to seeing all our HMBA members at our upcoming AGM. Special thanks to the Old Grind for supporting this event annually by offering us their amazing venue space for the evening.


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