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Hinton, Alberta

Hinton Mountain Bike Association.  Our goal is to develop, maintain and promote the best possible mountain biking opportunities around the Hinton area, while ensuring responsible and safe practices in environmental conservation, trail construction, trail maintenance and riding.

Blog Posts


Hidden Gems: Stinger


The Hinton Mountain Bike Association continually strives to promote mountain bike culture in Hinton.  The 2014 Trail Maps have been updated and released this summer, but all our trail signage updates are still on our to-do list - which we hope we can tackle in the near future.  We could always use your help! (hint hint!)

Unfortunately, some of our trails and features have not been fully explored by visitors and locals alike because they don't know it's there!   To help with this, we'll put out some posts about our 'Hidden Gems' to help all riders better explore and enjoy our great trails!

This week's Hidden Gem: Stinger

Location: Hinton Bike Park



Difficulty: Intermediate, Advanced

Type: Flow Trail - Loop

Description: Get your buzz on the Park’s newest flow trail featuring berms, bumps and quick direction changes. Swarm around the nest above, traversing the cut-banks in a 360 to where you started. Enter and exit the hive as you wish, with a return lap option at the bottom. Treat this as a mini-enduro, climbing your way to each new fastest descent. How many stages can you complete before you’re stung?

Direction: Ride from the parking lot through “Jodoin’s Journey” to the “Gully Trail”. The popular option continues right to the bottom of the rooty “Gully Trail”, with left at the wooden bridge.

Trail Background: Stinger was built in 2013 by Hoots Inc. and many volunteers.  The project was funded in part by Quality of Life grant, Hoots Inc. and HMBA.  Materials (wood) were donated by Hinton Home Hardware.  Food for volunteers was provided by Boston Pizza and Subway.

For other great trail descriptions in the bike park, visit our Bike Park Info webpage.


2014 Bike Hinton Campaign - Sponsor Recognition


The Hinton Mountain Bike Association would like to thank the following sponsors for their support in all of or in part with website sponsorship, Bike Hinton Giveaway prizes, 2014 Trails Map, and promotion of Alberta's Mountain Bike Mecca!



Amazing Support For Beaver Bike Fest!


We are 5 days away from our signature event and the Hinton Mountain Bike Association has had amazing support from local and regional businesses!

  • Hinton Luge Association
  • Scooper Dooper and The Gourmet Lunchbox


2014 Map of Hinton Mountain Bike Trails Now Available!


The latest map edition (2014) to Hinton's Mountain Bike Trails is hot of the press this week!  Maps will be freely available at the Hinton Visitor Information Centre and local bike shops!

Click on the image above to open the full map pdf (11 Mb).  Hinton Bike Park trails included.  See below for low resolution images.

A big THANK YOU to our sponsors that helped support the creation of this map!

Low Resolution Image of Map Front

Low Resolution Image of Map Back


Hinton Bike Park - Refreshed!


In the early evening of Friday, August 1st - Jay Hoots and his wonderful hard-working crew were packing up after a full & dedicated week at reshaping the park's Skills Area, (mini) Pump Track and Dirt Jumps.   Their love for our park can be seen in the great work they've done.  Big thanks are also shouted out to all the volunteers that came out to give a hand!!

The Happy Creek Bike Park was also given some TLC and has surely seen lots of action since!

A BIG THANK YOU to all the Hinton Mountain Bike Association's sponsors!!!

Make sure to explore the park in the next few weeks and get ready to participate in the upcoming 5th Annual Beaver Bike Fest on August 23 & 24th!  


Hinton Bike Park Rejuvenation Almost Complete!


The Hinton Bike Park rejuvenation (Skills Area and Dirt Jumps) by Jay Hoots, his crew and many dedicated volunteers is nearing completion!  I would describe all the rad changes and additions, but fear I wouldn't do it justice... which means you should plan to visit the park in the very near future and check it out for yourselves!

Dirt Jumps

Square of Skinnies and Turns

The Happy Creek Bike Park on Forest Heights Drive has also been 'refreshed' and ready for some jump and rolling action!  Click here for map for this park's location

Happy Creek Bike Park


HMBA Trail Maintenance Update


Latest updates

  • Hoots Inc. have landed! Look for them at the Bike Park over the coming weeks.
  • Junior Forest Rangers (JFR's) are braving the Heavy Rain Warning today and tomorrow continuing work out at the "GS Extension" !


Upcoming Trail Maintenance / Ride 

When:  Saturday July 26, 2014 at 12:30 (weather pending)
Where: Meet at the seacan at the Bike Park, pack tools (provided) and ride out!

Please bring water/snacks, appropriate clothing and safety equipment (gloves/glasses etc.)

PS. did you know that trail volunteers are entered into a sweet year-end prize draw?


HMBA Creates Bike Hinton Facebook Page


HMBA is expanding their reach to members and visitors alike via their new facebook page.  Social media has been proven as a great way to connect with a large audience with similar interests.   HMBA also maintains a growing facebook group page where group members can directly engage with others.  The new facebook page will allow further promotion of HMBA events to a wider audience - thus encouraging riding enthusiasts outside of Hinton to "Bike Hinton".

Like our page!!


Gravity Cup News!


AFD Gravity Cup 2014 is going down September 12-14 in Hinton, Alberta.  

Bonus: Looks like AFD is bringing back the airbag for Gravity Cup weekend!

Early Bird Registration: $65.00 & includes a free T-shirt (offer ends August 22, 2014)

Regular Registration: $75.00

Register online at

More info on prizes, sponsors and the AFD Airbag to follow.

Tell your friends!!!