We are beyond excited to have Karey and her crew from Sweet Riders coming for the first time in Hinton this summer to put on some courses up for us!
Register here: Shop Sweet Riders, description of the categories below
We will be offering one session of 4 days which will be from July 5th to July 8th.
We will also have one day for adult (16+) on July 9th.
All sessions are at the Hinton Bike Park on Robb Road.
Cannot make those dates? The Town of Edson is also welcoming Sweet Riders this summer!
*** We will recommend ages but please put your child in the course that is most appropriate to their skill level ***
Tiny Tots (ages 4-5): 9-9:45 am
If they are still on training wheels then an adult needs to be present to assist during the lesson. The lessons are for 45 mins and will mostly focus on balance. We prefer to have them comfortable on two wheels. We will practice on the beginner side of the Hinton Bike Park. Please bring lots of water and some snacks for fuel. Helmets are required and gloves fully recommended. Bikes must be in good condition, tires pumped, brakes working and chain shifting and lubricated.
Cost $60
Jr. Jumpers (ages 6-8): 10-11 am
They should be comfortable on two wheels and keen to work on all skills and trails with an emphasis on jumping. The lessons are for 1-hour meeting at Hinton Bike Park. Please bring lots of water and some snacks for fuel. Helmets are required and gloves fully recommended. Bikes must be in good condition, tires pumped, brakes fully functional, chain shifting and lubricated.
Cost $70
Sweet Shredders (ages 9-10): 12-2 pm
We will work on all skills and progressions, trail riding, bike skills park and more. Come play with bikes! The lessons are for 2 hours meeting at Hinton Bike Park. Please bring lots of water and some snacks for fuel. Helmets are required and gloves fully recommended. Bikes should be fully operational, tires pumped, brakes working, and chain shifting and lubricated.
Cost $110
Youth Rippers (ages 11+): 2-4 pm
We will work on all skills and progressions, trail riding, bike skills park and more. The lessons are for 2 hours meeting at Hinton Bike Park. Please bring lots of water and some snacks for fuel. Helmets are required and gloves fully recommended. Bikes should be fully functional, tires pumped, working brakes and a chain that shifts and is lubricated.
Cost $110
Adult Courses (Ages 16+):
we will adjust based on the demand, it an be all intermediate or a mix depending on participants.
Basic skills
9 am to 3 pm with a 1 hr lunch break
This day camp will focus on learning the basic skills needed for a proper foundation.
We will focus on skills such as neutral position, ready position, bike body separation, straight-line riding, climbing, descending, braking, shifting, basic front wheel lifts, basic rear wheel lifts, rolling lunges up to the wood and more, if time permits. In the afternoon we will go for an instructional ride on the trails decided by the coach of the session.
Meeting place: Hinton Bike Park. You should bring protective gear like knee pads, elbow pads if you have them. Flat pedals are highly recommended for skill work. Have ample water, lunch, and snacks for fuel during the course.
Core skills
This day camp will continue to build on the skills developed in the beginner camp. Let’s continue to build on that foundation we established and move on to more intermediate-advanced skills.
We will focus on skills such as a review of the fundamentals more rolling lunges, manuals, some jumping, some drops and high-speed cornering, climbing and descending and in the afternoon instructional rides on the trails decided by the coach for that session.
Meeting place: Hinton Bike Park. You should bring protective gear like knee pads, elbow pads if you have them. Flat pedals are highly recommended for skill work. Have ample water, lunch, and snacks for fuel during the course.
Cost: $150
NOTE: All Sessions are weather dependent if heavy rain or other unforeseen weather conditions, the course will be cancelled and rescheduled or refunded if necessary.
Please attend with a Mountain Bike, no BMX bikes.
We will open online registration on May 1st 2022. Limited space available
waiver must be signed; emailed back to treasurer@bikehinton.com