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Hinton, Alberta

Hinton Mountain Bike Association.  Our goal is to develop, maintain and promote the best possible mountain biking opportunities around the Hinton area, while ensuring responsible and safe practices in environmental conservation, trail construction, trail maintenance and riding.

Hinton Bike Park back in Great Shape!

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Hinton Bike Park back in Great Shape!

Bike Hinton

Hoots Inc. and crew have completed three weeks of maintenance and trail building work at the Hinton Bike Park!


 The HMBA would like to thank Jay, Alan, Dalan, Fraser and Ben for the awesome work done!!!


The HMBA would also like to thank the Town of Hinton for the Community Grant received in April. This grant ensured that the Drop Zone, Fo'Shore and Slope Wars skill areas got inspected, re-shaped, and buffed.

Business Time

Business Time

Other areas in the park that received similar maintenance include the Skills Area, Dirt Jumps, Business time, Midway Pump Track and Jodoin's Journey. Funds for this work was provided by the HMBA, the Town of Hinton's Bike Park Annual Maintenance Fund and from donated services/labour by Hoots Inc.

Dirt Jumps

Midway Pump Track

Lastly, the Hinton Bike Park now has a new trail!!! This trail is freshly built over approximately 600m of gently sloped terrain. It was designed with the younger bikers in mind, to allow easier access to the mid-areas of the park. This trail was funded by a generous benefactor which we hope to announce soon! Registration revenue and donations from the Hinton Sprockids program also contributed to this build!

New trail