2017, HMBA, Events Bike Hinton 2017, HMBA, Events Bike Hinton

Weekend Bike Clinics for Women

Shred Sisters will be giving 2-day workshops in Hinton on August 12 and 13th!!  The weekend workshops are the perfect way to have an overview of mountain biking, and to improve your skills, to be more confident on your bike, and have fun with your new Shred Sisters friends! 

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Beginner Workshop

This weekend workshop is for women who have little or no experience on a mountain bike and would like to learn the fundamentals of riding in a fun, safe, professional, and supportive environment.

Skills Covered:

  • Bike Anatomy/Safety Check, Bike Maintenance
  • How to change a flat tire
  • Stance & Balance
  • Braking & Shifting
  • Cornering
  • Climbing
  • Descending
  • Wheel Lifts


  • Location: Hinton, Ab
  • Dates: August 12th & 13th
  • Ratio: 6 riders per instructor
  • Length: 9:30am to 4pm with one hour lunch break
  • Cost: $295 + GST
  • Level: Suited for Level 1 & 2
  • Register here

Intermediate Workshop

This weekend course is for women who have taken the beginner program before or have been riding for few years and are interested in improving their mountain biking skills. It is also an amazing opportunity to meet like-minded riding buddies.

Skills Covered:

  • Review of Stance and Balance
  • Review of Shifting and Braking
  • Pumping
  • Straight Line Riding
  • Roll Down Lunge Maneuver
  • Descending Strategy
  • Technical Climbing
  • Cornering: Switchback & High Speed


  • Location: Hinton, Ab
  • Dates: August 12th & 13th
  • Ratio: 6 riders per instructor
  • Length: 9:30am to 4pm with one hour lunch break
  • Cost: $295 + GST
  • Level: Suited for Level 3
  • Register here

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Events, 2015, HMBA Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA) Events, 2015, HMBA Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA)

All About HMBA Group Rides

The Hinton Mountain Bike Association (HMBA) often gets asked about its group rides.  Every summer, from sometime in May to as late as October, HMBA has two orgranized rides: one on Monday evenings (just for ladies!) and one on Wednesday evenings (everyone!).

"Do I have to be a member?"

You don't have to be a member to try out one of our group rides.   Membership provides general liability insurance for our members and gives the HMBA better access to grants to build/maintain our bike park and trail systems.  As a member, you get voting privileges at our AGM, can become part of the board as an executive or coordinator, and finally - you have access to great regional business discounts.  See our Member page for more info!

May 11, 2015 - First Ladies' Ride of the season!  Group 1 of 2.

May 20, 2015 - Wednesday Group Ride

"I'm New to Mountain Biking..."

Fantastic!!!  Our group rides welcome all abilities.  However, the HMBA has a few tips for those new to mountain biking:

  • You will get the most out of your experiences by making sure your bike fits you and is in good working condition.  There are several bike shops & bike mechanics in our region that can help you out.
  • Know your bike: modulating brakes, changing gears, correct seat height - all these are important to be comfortable with before hitting the local trails!  
  • By becoming a member, following our facebook group or page or checking the bikehinton.com website - you will be informed of any upcoming skills clinics.
  • Practice, practice, practice!  Get out on your bike and often!  Even if it's just around the neighborhood or local town trails.  The more you ride, the more you get to improve!

May 18, 2015 - Monday Ladies, Group of 1 of 2.

May 20, 2015 - Wednesday Group Ride

"Can I Join A Group Ride Later in the Summer?"

Of course!  But it is always best to start in May, if possible.   If you haven't been riding on your own - you might find it a struggle to ride with those that have been riding since May.

"How Long do Rides last?"

Group ride times generally last 1.5 to 2 hours, with lots of breaks - depending on the group's abilities.  Hinton's trails include elevation gains, lots of singletrack, some technical sections such as roots and bridges - basically a little of everything!   Trail selections are usually determined at the beginning of the ride, but may change as the ride progresses.  Riding in a group is a great way to connect with others and get some good tips on how to tackle different challenges on our trails!

May 25, 2015 - Monday Ladies Ride, group 1 of 3!

May 25, 2015 - Monday Ladies, group 2 of 3.

"I Don't Know the Trails"

All the more reason to join a group ride!  To ensure everyone enjoys the groups rides, here a few general guidelines:

  • Someone will "Lead" the group and set an appropriate pace and stop for breaks in order for the whole group to catch up.  A head count is usually done at the beginning.
  • Someone will be the "Sweep" and ride behind everyone.  The sweep ensures no one gets left behind!
  • All riders should make sure the rider behind them knows which direction to go at intersections.
  • If you need to leave the group early - please let someone know!
  • Although it's easy to follow others - it helps to ask questions about the trails you are on so that you can easily find your way when you are out on your own or with others!

Happy Trails!!

May 25, 2015 - Monday Ladies

May 25, 2015 - Monday Ladies

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Why don't more women ride mountain bikes?

Lora Curtis

Shared below is a a great facebook post written by Lora Curtis from Stratford, Ontario.  It's a great story about women in mountain biking and how riding with other women helps to gain confidence and improve your overall riding experiences!  

Julie Duval met Lora during a bike trip in Whitehorse last summer.  Together, they talked about their experiences leading women's groups and shared ideas on how to get more women involved, especially those new to mountain biking.

Getting ready to ride Starbuck's Revenge in Whitehorse, Yukon.  Lora is second from the left.

Lora's story:

This is Lora's story of learning to ride trails...
On my mountain bike I am powerful and free, it grounds and centers me. My bike has the ability to bring me to the present moment in a way that nothing else can. Mountain biking has taught me to believe in myself and my abilities, to face my fears and overcome them, and that I am stronger than I could have ever imagined.  

For all that I have gained from mountain biking, I am always conscious of the fact that there are relatively few women out on the trails. I hope to inspire more to come out and try this sport and see how it can empower them.

Why don't more women ride mountain bikes? Of the women that do get into mountain biking, about 80% are introduced to it by a male; a spouse, boyfriend or friend. From my experience, and several others I've heard recounted, this may not always be an ideal situation (want a laugh, check out this video by pro rider Darcy Turrenne titled "A Couples Ride"https://vimeo.com/67465768 or this checklist for men teaching their significant other to ride http://mtb4her.com/so-you-wanna-teach-your-girlfriend-or-w…/)

My own first experience with mountain biking was an epic fail. It was in my early 20's and I was dating a guy that had started riding trails. He was excited to have me try and I know his intentions were good, but I did not feel 'encouraged' to become a stronger, faster rider by being left behind, breathless and uncertain of what I was doing, as he rode off out of sight. I went home feeling frustrated, and it took many years (nine to be exact) to scrape together enough confidence to try again.  

My second attempt was with a group in which several couples were in involved. There were about four girls that came out regularly, and we were all new to the sport. This time, the guys tried to give us good advice but would also just stand back and let us grow in our own way. Although on occasion, even they had to be reminded that yelling "pedal hard, pick your line" from the top of a tough, steep climb was not considered 'encouraging' by anyone without a Y chromosome. 

Learning to ride with the girls, there was no sense of competition. We walked over features and pushed our bike up, and at times even down, steep sections of the trail. We would stand at obstacles and talk about how we 'thought' you would ride it. Some would try and share either what they felt went right, or wrong, and others would just watch and keep trying to work it out in their own minds. In our own way and in our own time, we all progressed.

As I gained strength and confidence, I became completely hooked on this sport. Riding the trails did wonders for my inner child! I think many women can identify with feeling overly responsible for things (at least this certainly described myself) and my mountain bike reminds me how important it is to play and have fun. When I put my helmet on my head, all the other hats that I wear are cast aside: I find so much freedom in that.

Even now, with over a dozen years in the saddle, my goal on each ride is to keep it fun; always remembering the way that I rode with the girls when I was first learning, as it was during that time that I discovered so much about myself and the things I am capable of. I hope that you will come out and see what mountain biking may hold for you, and if I tell you that you ride like a girl; know that it is my deepest compliment.

[For ladies finding themselves in Stratford, Ontario during their summer travels..] Ladies group trail rides will begin on Saturday May 9, and will run each Saturday, beginning at 9:30 am (plan on 2-3 hours) from the parking lot just inside the main gate at Wildwood Conservation Area. Riders of any level are welcome but the rides will be especially geared towards those that have not yet tried trail riding. We will start with a slow pace and shorter distance and will work our way up to riding the 25km Lake Trail.

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