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Hinton, Alberta

Hinton Mountain Bike Association.  Our goal is to develop, maintain and promote the best possible mountain biking opportunities around the Hinton area, while ensuring responsible and safe practices in environmental conservation, trail construction, trail maintenance and riding.

Blog Posts


HMBA Welcomes Colin as New President!

Bike Hinton

Colin Pratt, a longtime HMBA member, has volunteered to become our new President!   A father of four young up-and-coming shredders, he and his wife Kirsten are both avid mountain bikers, participating both in local and out-of-town events.

Thank you for this great opportunity. I wanted to join HMBA to contribute to the biking community in Hinton. We have a great biking scene year round that was built by a strong community and many dedicated volunteers and I believe this is key to our continued growth and success. I got back into biking 10 years ago by going on club rides to meet people and learn the trails. I look forward to welcoming new riders and visitors and working to support and grow the trails and programs in Hinton. See you out there!
— Colin


Bike Park Work Bee: Notice of Temporary Closures

Bike Hinton

Temporary Closures

The Hinton Bike Park will have some sections temporarily closed during our Fall Work Bee.  The two main areas will be the Dirt Jumps and Flow Master (circled red on map below).  Other areas may also be closed, depending on work being done elsewhere within the park.

Hinton Bike Park Work Bee

When: Sunday, September 25th from 10:00 am until 3:00 pm.

The time has come to repair our bike park back to its once loved state. All the help is needed. Rider or not, anyone is wanted. More people the better our amazing park will be. The clean up will be September 25th from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm. Hope to see some friendly faces there. Remember to bring gloves, a water bottle, light snacks, and an eagerness to do some dirty work.   Let us know if you are able to help out!  

The Dirt Jumps and Flow Master (circled in red) will be the two main areas closed during the work bee on Sunday, September 25th.  Other areas may be temporarily closed as well.


HMBA Seeks President

Bike Hinton

The Hinton Mountain Bike Association (HMBA) is looking for a passionate HMBA member to join it's Board as their President.   Could this be you?   Jump into the Skills Area and ask yourself:

  • Am I an HMBA member?
  • Do I love riding my bike in Hinton's backyard playground?
  • Do I have some great ideas on how we can sustain what we currently have and grow?  Make it even better? (we all do!!)
  • Am I comfortable talking to town and industry representatives who are already great supporters of HMBA?
  • Am I ready to be part of a great team?

If you are answering YES to these questions, then please consider this opportunity!!  HMBA needs you!

Break down the negative thoughts that may be going through your mind!

  • "I don't have the time."   We hear you!   The current Board also have many other life commitments.  But with no Board, there is no HMBA and that would not be good.  The Board meets about 10 times a year, plus the AGM in April.  Depending on which projects we have going on, that determines the amount of involvement needed.  Some Board members spend their time in areas where they are most interested.
  • "I don't know how much I can contribute."  Once you get to know how the Board runs and what we actually do, you will surely find plenty of ways to make your contributions.  It really doesn't take much - and the first, the most important step, is just being INVOLVED. 
  • "I don't want to spend my time fundraising."   Unless we are working on a big project (that has to be voted in by the majority), we are not spending our time fundraising.   Really, we're not!  HMBA has A LOT of great community and business support.  Plus, we are a team - we work together on this!

If you have any other questions or concerns - please TALK TO US!  You can email us at infoATbikehintonDOTcom or catch us on the trails!  Julie is usually on the Ladies Monday Rides, Maureen and Bill are often out at the Hinton Bike Park, Brayden loves riding gravity and Kevin keeps an eye on the trails (usually riding, but not for a little while, due to injury) .



West Fraser Ltd. Helps HMBA with Dust and Erosion

Bike Hinton


A dry spring

Hot and dry weather in April created very, VERY, dusty conditions on the Robb Road adjacent to the Hinton Bike Park.  After contacting the Town of Hinton and West Fraser about how to best remedy the situation (i.e. to stop chocking on dust while executing the Superman at the Dirt Jumps - hey, it happens!), West Fraser used calcium chloride (retains moisture) on the road which did the trick!

And then summer happened

Then it started to rain.  And rain some more.  And it kept coming all summer.  (Has it stopped yet?)  Rain is good after such a dry spring, but it did create new challenges for our Bike Park, namely erosion.  Again, the Robb Road became a source of sediment (just too much rain!) which flowed into the park at various points along Flow Master, the Dirt Jumps and the Skills Area.

After positive discussions regarding the process of water diversion, West Fraser has re-graded the ditch and culvert area along the Robb Road, near the bottom of Flow Master.  With a few touch ups, HMBA volunteers were able to make some additional small changes to the drainage which will hopefully prevent further erosion from culvert problems.  Repair is still needed on some sections on Flow Master (TBA later in September!), but the source of most of the problems is greatly improved.     

Thank you to the staff at West Fraser for listening to our concerns and working with HMBA to resolve them!

Working on channel diversion after the road was re-graded.


Hinton Bike Park Visitors Come From Near and Far

Bike Hinton

In July, a guest sign-in book was placed at the Hinton Bike Park. The park has had quite a few visitors sign-in! These two images show where they were from.  Hint: the larger the name, the higher the number of visits from that location. 

These are locations across Alberta and excludes Hinton.

These are locations beyond Alberta.


A New Rock Band

Bike Hinton

Amp test

Amp test

Exciting news

The Happy Creek Trail system has a new addition in the form of a short but sweet 0.6 km technical downhill trail option. Similar to "Fast Trax", this trail is located along the Bighorn Trail (town connector) and deposits onto Happy Creek East.  This is an advanced trail, walk before you ride!

How it Started

"Rock Band" started as a mapping day-dream, with layers derived through GIS to spot a clearly elevated band of bedrock. Once in the field, some of the rock was exposed with protruding ledges and faces with features that a few riders commented would make for some gnarly drops. Rock Band is designed as an advanced trail that can be rocked or rolled, depending on the amps you're cranking!  Thrash it or groove it, whatever way you choose it, just don't blow your speakers!!

Making it official!

The band at work

Can't have a Band without Rock Stars!

The trail will evolve as it is ridden with new lines and potential, so watch for changing conditions and additional work. Big thanks to a solid crew of builders led by Rock Star Mike Langford who did the bulk of layout and building!

Shrek's Swamp

The last 40m of Rock Band, before connecting to Happy Creek Trail, challenged (and keeps challenging) our rockin' crew.  A wet area made very wet during the last few months with many frequent rain events amped up the band's efforts in finding a sustainable solution.   The final phase is 'slated' to be completed by the end of September if the weather finally cooperates!

Choosing Your Next Beat

Once onto Happy Creek (East), you can choose a longer ride (left) or continue the descent back to the town trail (right).   

Rock Band is a black diamond trail that descend from Bighorn Trail to Happy Creek East.


Rockin' Drop

Rockin' Drop


Bike Park Project Almost Complete!

Bike Hinton

Awesome work done by HMBA's own Maureen Harper and Bill Heir. They have volunteered many hours of their time in the past few weeks getting our second seacan all spiffed up at the Hinton Bike Park. This is part of the Hinton Community Grant project which was awarded to HMBA back in April this year. The final step will be the installation of a light for the parking area.

Maureen Harper, HMBA Directory at Large, on the far right.

Maureen Harper, HMBA Directory at Large, on the far right.

Bill Heir, HMBA Treasurer, 

Bill Heir, HMBA Treasurer, 


Tree Falling at Hinton Bike Park

Bike Hinton

Recent visitors to the Hinton Bike Park would have noticed that several trees have had to be cut down mostly due to mountain pine beetle infestation. Crews have had to carefully navigate some of the main trails with a small motorized vehicle for this work and may have left a second or wider "track". Help us preserve our wonderful park trails by staying on the main trails/paths and avoiding all other disturbances so that they have a chance to grow back to their original states. Thank you!


Second Seacan at Bike Park

Bike Hinton

A second seacan was installed at the Hinton Bike Park, part of the Hinton Community Grant project granted to HMBA in April 2016.   The extra storage was needed to help store a growing inventory of tools and equipment for builds, maintenance and winter grooming activities.  Thank you to Tyson Boutin and his helper in the delivery and installation!!

Expect to see some work done on the new seacan in the coming weeks, as it will get painted and roofed.   Make sure to thank the volunteers when you visit the Bike Park!

Maureen Harper and Bill Heir, both HMBA Directors, have been instrumental in managing this project.  Got questions?  Email us at

Bill likes the new space!

Bill likes the new space!

Maureen enjoys the awesome community support, with Tyson and helper.

Tyson working on the installation


HMBA Trails Signed

Bike Hinton

After two years of inventory and planning, map signage at the Hinton Bike Park and on the Happy Creek System trails have been refreshed!  This important project had many phases, including:

  • GPSing existing and new locations (usually major intersections),
  • fine tuning our trails database,
  • acquiring more recent background imagery (2014),
  • putting the maps together (digitally) - over 100hrs volunteer time!
  • working with local printer (a1 Signs) to get signs created,
  • gluing directional signage onto plywood (Thank you RBC!),
  • putting up the signs where they need to go and trying not to forget the "You Are Here" dots! - over 30 hours of volunteer time.

All our awesome signs!

In total, over 200 volunteers hours and community support via donations made to HMBA have made this project possible. 

RBC Vollunteers

Six staff members from Hinton's RBC Branch came out on June 8th to volunteer their time.  They helped with staining and gluing at the Hinton Bike Park.

The final phase: getting the signs out there

A special thanks to all the volunteers who have helped getting the signs out on the trails!

Julie Duval

Gabrielle Duval

Bill Heir

Bill Heir

Maureen Harper

Tim Trahan

Jeff Morris

Thank you Bike Boy!

The handy bike trailer has seen a lot of mileage in June!  A special thank you to Bike Boy who had donated the trailer to HMBA over 5 years ago.   

The sign caddy!

Going up!

An up!

Great travels under summer sunshine


Sprockids Bring Energy to the Bike Park

Bike Hinton

The Hinton Sprockids had a bumpy start this spring.  After a very sunny, hot and dry April, the May and June sessions were met with rain, rain and even more rain.  3 of 5 sessions had to be cancelled.  Still, the coaches and kids are having a blast enhancing their riding techniques and general biking know-how. 

The Hinton Sprockids program is backed by many supporters!

Sponsors who directly support Hinton Sprockids:

  • Dig That Stitch Embroidery
  • DQ Grill & Chill
  • Frieson Bros. - Hill
  • Frieson Bros. - Valley
  • Hinton Wealth Planning - Daniel Duval
  • McDonald's (Hinton)
  • Ouiprint
  • Repsol
  • Safeway
  • Subway Restaurants
  • The Hinton Voice Inc.
  • Vicious Cycle
  • West Fraser Mills Ltd.

Sponsors who support the Sprockids program via general donations to HMBA:

  • Juventus
  • RBC Royal Bank
  • Steve Sevcik
  • Talisman Logging


HMBA Has Full Board

Bike Hinton

A Full Board

At a recent monthly meeting, HMBA's Board of Directors voted in another member to complete our roster!  It is a sign of a healthy board to have both seasoned and fresh faces on the Board as it helps to minimize volunteer fatigue and ensures board continuity into the future.

Brayden Langford

At our AGM in April, Brayden Langford stepped up into the role as HMBA's new VP.  Brayden is definitely not new to HMBA.  He has been involved with HMBA in different roles, both as a Youth Coordinator and as a valued volunteer for trail/bike park maintenance and for the Beaver Bike Fest.   Welcome Brayden!!

Bill Heir

Bill is another long-time HMBA member and avid volunteer.   With 30 years of riding under his belt, Bill enjoys our trails systems and routinely volunteers his time to help maintain them.   At the AGM, Bill had volunteered to help out the Treasurer (Julie Duval) with bookkeeping.   Later, he offered to step up as Treasurer and allow Julie to fill the Secretary position - a role that suits her well.    Please welcome Bill as HMBA's new Treasurer!!

HMBA Board of Directors

  • President:  Shawn Lee
  • Vice President: Brayden Langford
  • Treasurer: Bill Heir
  • Secretary: Julie Duval
  • Operations (Trails): Kevin Myles
  • Directory at Large:  Maureen Harper

The Ones that Got Away

HMBA wouldn't be where it is today without it's committed members.  Two board members had stepped down at our last AGM.   Marie-Soleil Pinet (past Treasurer) and Jenn Hunter (past Secretary) were valued members and their positive energy will be missed!  Thank you Marie-Soleil and Jenn!!



Hinton RBC Branch Staff Volunteers at the Bike Park

Bike Hinton

Six staff members from Hinton's RBC Branch came out on June 8th to volunteer their time.  They came with smiles and ready to work - it was so great to have such wonderful volunteers!  A lot of work got done, despite the dark clouds looming on two sides of the town.  Unfortunately, after an hour, the first lightning was seen in the sky, and was soon followed by more.  These ladies quickly finished up what they were doing, and got out of the park in the nick of time!  The skies opened with heavy rain, more lightning and nearby thunder.  It was quite the storm!

The RBC staff volunteer their time to local groups such as HMBA and in return, their employer grants $1,000 towards that same group.  HMBA has been a recipient of this generous "double" donation in the past and we want to thank these wonderful volunteers for their time and for choosing our association as a worthy group to support!

The old maps on the main kiosk were taken down and the wood given a fresh coat of varnish.   Unfortunately, because of the incoming lightning storm, there was no time to place the new maps!  10 more minutes was all we needed!

These ladies glued our new signs to plywood.  Thanks so much for the help!


Upcoming Events

Bike Hinton

Monday Ladies Rides

  • When: Every Monday
  • Time: Meet at 6:45pm and be ready to ride for 7:00pm  (Rides start earlier in September - check calendar!)
  • Where: Hinton Bike Park, Parking Lot
  • Who: Ladies of all skill levels welcome  (sorry NO Boys allowed)
  • Why: This is just for the Ladies to go for a ride together and help each other become better riders with No Boys allowed, so go have some fun. (also feel free to also come to out on Wednesday Nights)

Wednesday Group Rides

  • When: Every Wednesday
  • Time: Meet at 6:45pm and be ready to ride for 7:00pm  (Rides start earlier in September - check calendar!)
  • Where: Hinton Bike Park, Parking Lot
  • Who: Everyone of all skill levels welcome 
  • Why: To have some FUN by getting out and riding with other people and riding new trails. Our goal for club rides is to get more people out on the trails enjoying mountain biking.

Hinton Sprockids

  • When:  Thursdays from 6:00pm until 7:15pm (until June 30th, then back 4 weeks in September)
  • Where: Hinton Bike Park
  • What:  2016 marks the fifth season for the Hinton Sprockids program.  We are stoked to continue this program in Hinton and look forward to seeing Hinton's bike culture grow with kids of all ages.
  • Who: kids aged 2 to 13, all abilities (sorry, registration is closed!)

Busy Hinton Bike Park Day

Devon's DBA Bears and Edmonton's Juventus Sprockids are going to be at the bike park all afternoon of Sunday, May 29th.  These two groups have been making the annual trip to Hinton as part part of their programming.

Expect a busy afternoon at the park!   Line-ups on Flow Master will be a given!

Group photo from 2015. 

Muscular Dystrophy Slope Wars Challenge

A group of local individuals is hosting an 'MD Slope Wars Challenge' at the Hinton Bike Park on June 4th.  This event is in conjunction with the annual MD Walk, BBQ, and Car Wash at the Hinton Fire Hall on Eaton Road. The MD Walk is Saturday, June 4th from 10am - 2pm.

  • When:  Saturday, June 4th, 4:00pm.
  • Where: Hinton Bike Park, Slope Wars
  • Who: Two age categories: 11-15 and 16+. Men's and Women's divisions.
  • How:  Registration is by donation with a suggested minimum donation of $5.  Donations of $20 or more will be eligible for a charitable tax reciept.

Registration can be done from 11:00am-1:00pm at the MD Walk (Hinton Fire Hall) on Saturday morning or at the bike park from 4:00-4:30pm.   Come out and take the challenge or just cheer on your favorite rider!

See you there!

If anyone has any questions, please contact Stacey Cherry.