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Hinton, Alberta

Hinton Mountain Bike Association.  Our goal is to develop, maintain and promote the best possible mountain biking opportunities around the Hinton area, while ensuring responsible and safe practices in environmental conservation, trail construction, trail maintenance and riding.

Blog Posts


Anniversary Apparel for Sale at AGM

Bike Hinton

Limited edition 10 year anniversary jerseys will be on sale for HMBA Members at this year's AGM.  Limited quantities available.  Price reduced by $10 (10 years!) from HMBA's cost.  Check out our shop page for more info!  Trucker hats will also be available (no pics available).  Past year jerseys and shirts will also be on sale.

women's front

left sleeve (

right sleeve (HMBA)

Men's front


Annual General Meeting

Bike Hinton

Mark your calendars! The Hinton Mountain Bike Association Annual General Meeting is set for Tuesday, April 11th in the People's Centre at the Dr. Duncan Murray Recreation Centre.

Doors open at 6:30pm.  AGM to start at 7:15pm

Come get your 2017 membership! 

2017 is our 10th Anniversary.  Limited edition jerseys will be for sale at the AGM.

Interested in joining the Board?  Let us know!!


Help keep the race course in tip top shape!

Bike Hinton

Our Chief of Course for the Hinton Growler, Mike, asks for your help in keeping the race course in it's best possible condition. 

With the warm weather we need all the help we can get keeping our Growler race course in good condition, to do this we ask that you refrain from riding regular mountain or "skinny" tire bikes on the course, this will help control unnecessary ruts and potential hazards with the thawing and freezing. Thank you

Find out more about the Hinton Growler event.


Great Prizes for the Hinton Growler

Bike Hinton

With three weeks to go until our big day, many things are falling into place.  Check out these cool prizes!

Prizes for the top 3 finishers in each adult category.

Prizes for the top 3 finishers in each adult category.

Who wouldn't one of these great stickers!

Who wouldn't one of these great stickers!

Jasper Brewing Co. donated 3 growlers will full punch cards

Jasper Brewing Co. donated 3 growlers will full punch cards

Bench Creek Brewing donated 3 howlers

Bench Creek Brewing donated 3 howlers

Folding Mountain Brewing donated some sweet mugs

Folding Mountain Brewing donated some sweet mugs

Revolution Cycle donated some cool gear

Revolution Cycle donated some cool gear

Vicious will supply demo bikes and an onsite technician as well as prizes

Vicious will supply demo bikes and an onsite technician as well as prizes

Subway is donating subs for our hard working volunteers

Subway is donating subs for our hard working volunteers

Michelle Langford, owner of Ribbon-oh-Gram, created custom trophies for the event

Michelle Langford, owner of Ribbon-oh-Gram, created custom trophies for the event

Morad Communications is donating the use of radios for the event

Morad Communications is donating the use of radios for the event

  • Expression Hair Studio - donated a prize package worth $50
  • Sweet Lou's donated a party pack certificate
  • Dig That Stitch donated over 60% of the costs towards volunteer toques
  • Ian Rosseel from Informal Sounds DJ / R.V. Rescue is donating his time as event announcer
AFD Petroleum Ltd. is the main event sponsor.  Thank you AFD!

AFD Petroleum Ltd. is the main event sponsor.  Thank you AFD!


Hinton Growler Route available on Trailforks!

Bike Hinton

Getting ready for the Hinton Growler?  It's less than one month away!  Check out the route and get some laps in!

Growler Race Route on


Get Ready for the Hinton Growler

Bike Hinton

The 1st Annual Hinton Growler Fat Bike Endurance Race is happening February 26th, 2017 during the Town of Hinton's Winter Magic Festival!   Book your calendar! The race will be held at Maxwell Lake.  More details...

Growler Race Route on


Generous HMBA Supporters of 2016!

Bike Hinton


The Hinton Mountain Bike Association's Board of Directors is humbled by the continued generous support offered by local government, businesses, individuals, members and volunteers.

A special thank you goes out to all the dedicated individuals who were part of the Board during 2016. There are a lot of behind-the-scenes work done by these passionate volunteers to get to where we are today and in the future.

  • Bill Heir 
  • Brayden Langford 
  • Colin Pratt 
  • Kevin Myles
  • Jay Hore 
  • Jenn Hunter 
  • Julie Duval 
  • Marie-Soleil Pinet 
  • Maureen Harper 
  • Shawn Lee


Marie-Soleil (right)

Jay (left) and Colin (right)

Jenn (left)


Shawn (left)

Maureen (left) and Bill (middle)

Brayden (second from the right)

Our Coordinators also deserve a BIG thank you!  These folks are instrumental in the success of HMBA!

  • Maria Koelbl (Memberships)
  • Mike Lanford (Winter)
  • Tim Trahan (Sprockids)


Tim (accepting donation, right)

Maria (second from the left)


"Many hands make light work."   Our volunteers are truly appreciated.  Thank you to everyone who has contributed their time, energy and smiles in the many HMBA projects this year!!

Thank you to all our supporters!

2016 Donations

Includes cash and in-kind products/services

  • a1 Signs Design Company Inc.
  • AFD Petroleum
  • Ascendant Renewable Energy
  • Big Berland
  • Bike Boy
  • Boston Pizza
  • Motion Canada
  • Oui Print Ltd.
  • RBC Royal Bank & Staff
  • Repsol
  • Shawn Cripps
  • Steve Sevcik
  • Talisman Logging
  • The Hinton Voice
  • Town of Hinton

for Hinton Sprockids:

  • Dig That Stitch Embroidery
  • Hinton Wealth Planning - Daniel Duval
  • Repsol
  • Subway
  • West Fraser Mills Ltd.


2016-17 HMBA Membership Sponsors

These sponsors provide great membership discounts for our members

  • Bike Boy
  • Coco's Café
  • Escape Clothing Company
  • Hinton DQ Grill & Chill
  • Jasper Freewheel Cycle
  • Jasper Source for Sports
  • Maximum Work and Active Gear
  • Mountain Donair
  • Patricia Street Deli
  • Subway
  • The Hinton Voice
  • The Old Grind
  • Totem Ski Shop
  • Vicious Cycle Hinton
  • Vicious Cycle Jasper
  • Yukon Sausage


Rok'on HMBA!

Bike Hinton

The Hinton Mountain Bike Association recently acquired a new essential tool to help with year-round maintenance of the Hinton Bike Park and trail systems.  The Rokon Trail-Breaker is a powerful yet versatile multi-terrain vehicle that will allow our trail maintenance volunteers to access all our trails.  It can also be used during the winter and has proven to be an awesome trail-grooming tool on it's own!

Expect to see HMBA's grooming volunteers on both the Rokon and the winter sled out grooming many of our trails this winter!

Rok'on HMBA!


Jay Hore Back as HMBA VP!

Bike Hinton

The Hinton Mountain Bike Association is excited to announce that Jay Hore is stepping back into his old HMBA bike boots as Vice-President.  Jay was one of the founding members of the club and was on the Board since HMBA's beginning in 2007 until 2011.  In 2012 and 2013, he was one of the main drivers in getting the Hinton Sprockids program off the ground.

HMBA's previous VP, Brayden Langford, had to step down earlier this Fall.  Although HMBA has lost some key Board members in the past few months, we have been fortunate to have others, such as Colin and Jay, join our Board - a changing of the guards, if you will! 


 Jay (far right) and HMBA Board of Directors, 2008


I ‘m excited to be back and involved with the HMBA after taking a few years off.

Born and raised in Hinton, my family and I like to enjoy the Bike Park and trail network as much as we can. I’m a founding member of the HMBA, the bike park and Sprockids and I hope my experience will help the continued success of the HMBA.

I find it extremely rewarding to give my time and energy to something that so many people get to enjoy while being active. I can’t believe the HMBA will be 10 years old in 2017 and phase 1 of the bike park will be 9 years old!!!! I’m looking forward to seeing what we can do in another 10 years.

Happy Trails...

- Jay            

Family time at the bike park

Grand Opening of the Hinton Bike Park, 2008.   From left to right:  Jay Hoots (Hoots Inc.), Robin Campbell (West Yellowhead MLA), Stephen Hanus (HMBA), Glenn Taylor (Hinton Mayor), and Jay Hore (HMBA)

Jay Hoots (left), Jay Hore (middle) and Stephen Hanus (right) displaying the sponsor board for the Hinton Bike Park


New Bench at the EZ Lookout

Bike Hinton

A summer project brought to completion!

As part of this summer's Hinton Bike Park beautification initiative, overseen by HMBA's Director at Large Maureen Harper, some small pieces of leftover lumber were re-purposed and transformed into benches.

This side project was tended to over the summer months and involved cutting, staining and prepping the benches for their final destinations.

Maureen etches "HMBA 16" onto the bench destined for the EZ Lookout.

Keith Campbell helped move the bench up to the lookout.

Bill Heir does the final assembly.

Meadow definitely approves!


Gulley Trail Resurfaced

Bike Hinton

On the weekend of September 17th,  Gulley Trail had some very rooty sections and other problem areas re-surfaced with 3/8" sand.  

This section of Gulley Trail extends from the Town of Hinton trail behind Reimer Drive, to the north entrance of Stinger, at the Hinton Bike Park.

Mike Langford, Area Manager for AFD Petroleum, lent HMBA a skid steer for the job.  Bill Heir spent over 22 hours transporting the sand from the Hinton Bike Park parking lot all the way to Gulley Trail, spreading the sand on the sections that needed the most attention.

Huge thanks to Mike at AFD Petroleum!!!!

A big shout out to Audrey, Keith, Maureen, and Bill for volunteering some time for the final touches!!  The result looks awesome!!


Great Day for a Work Bee!

Bike Hinton

Work Bee Report

The day went really well - counting all the little kids, we had 25 volunteers.  Members from the following families all chipped in today: Guthrie, Pratt, Trahan, Kadatz, McVey, Cherry, Myles, Beauchamp, Harper/Heir and a few other young folks.  THANK YOU!!!

We won't kid you, it was a ton of work!  We only took about a 40 minute lunch break and worked 10 am to about 3:30 pm.  Not much standing around.  And if you look at it, you can hardly tell we were there.  We all realize there is still so much to do to bring the park up to the level we want, especially in Flow Master, but we had a good start today.  One of the best things is the realization by everyone there of the work needed and the effort involved.  Those attending will spread the word and help again themselves.  Mike drove his skid steer until the dirt was gone, which was an incredible help - wheelbarrows would not have cut it.

Lots of BIG THANKS to give at the Bike Park Maintenance day today:

  • Dallas Lambe and Motion Canada for the donation of 10 Silky trail saws and 4 Mcleod Tools!
  • Mike Langford and AFD Petroleum for the use of the skid steer and expert operating services!
  • Boston Pizza for donating 7 pizzas for our hungry volunteers!
  • Bill and Maureen for their major contributions to the Park this year, coordinating the new solar security light at the parking lot this week and a super secret, super exciting trail maintenance tool to be announced soon.
  • All the volunteers who sacrificed a beautiful weekend day to come out and make the Hinton Bike Park safer and more enjoyable to others!