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Hinton, Alberta

Hinton Mountain Bike Association.  Our goal is to develop, maintain and promote the best possible mountain biking opportunities around the Hinton area, while ensuring responsible and safe practices in environmental conservation, trail construction, trail maintenance and riding.

Blog Posts


Fix It Station Fixed!


The Fix It Station at the Hinton Bike Park has been fixed! Thanks to everyone for being patient these past few months as we waited for parts to be ordered, shipped and installed (by HMBA volunteers, of course!).

The Fix It Station, originally donated by Hinton Wealth Planning of Assante Financial Management Ltd. and the cement pad, donated by West Ridge, was installed and continues to be maintainted by HMBA volunteers.

Please note that the bike pump has super strong magnets near the pump head. It is made to cling to the side of the Fix It Station rather than laying on the ground, which increases the likelihood of damage.



Trans Mountain Expansion Project Underway


Recent trail users will likely have noticed large signs on some sections of trails in the Hinton area. These have been installed by Trans Mountain to notify all trail users of upcoming pipeline clearing/construction. There are no set timelines, but work in these areas can be expected between now and late November 2018. For more information, please visit the Trans Mountain Expansion Project website at:

Trails and features in these areas will be disturbed or removed during clearing and construction. Trans Mountain has assured HMBA that identified bike trails will be salvaged and even improved upon after construction is completed.

Pipeline Intersections.png


History of Hinton's Bike Trails


Curious about Hinton's trail history? Using best available data and using 1990 as a starting point, these pictures show changes over time. Are there any missing trails? Did we get the dates wrong? Let us know!

Big Horn was build in the early 1990s! Would love to know when Happy Creek was initially built. Happy Creek Trail has had major re-routes 2 times in last 10 years. Over 100K has been invested in the last 10 years on Happy Creek trail alone!

Does anyone know when Jack's Trails system was built??

Trails were now being mapped and published.

Phase 1 of bike park completed. Beaver Boardwalk completed. The J and Slowcooker added.  GS, Cleo's and Phil's Thriller also added

More trails added to upper bike park

Bubba's Added

Gasifier added

Vigilante and Stinger (Bike Park) added.

Ranger added.

Rock Band added.

Pembina Sprockids Trail added to Hinton Bike Park.


Trail Counts at the Hinton Bike Park


We have some trail user counts for the Hinton Bike Park between May 15 and July 19 => 66 days! Both Flow Master and the Pembina Sprockids Trail (PST) average 18 counts/day, where Flow Master had a max count of 93 on May 27 and PST had a max count of 52 on May 20th.

We are happy to see that Flow Master had 0 counts for the 3 downpour days after the Canada Day Long Weekend! Thank you to all uses who use trails and park responsibly :)


Trail Counts on Hinton Trails


The HMBA has invested in 12 Trail Counters this past year. 5 are located within the Hinton Bike Park and the other 7 are located on our trail system. These units count trail users, whether biking, hiking or running. These units do not take photos - sorry to those who may have made goofy faces at them :)

We shouldn't be surprised that The J is the most used trail as it leads to one of our favorite spots: the EZ Lookout! Happy Creek and Ranger are high favorites as well.

#bikehinton #HintonBikePark


Bike Park Parking Lot Busy June 23/24


Notice to all Hinton Bike Park (parking lot) users: Saturday June 23rd, HMBA is hosting a wind-up event for our Hinton Sprockids Program. For safety reasons, access to the parking lot will be closed between 9:30am and 2:30pm. Alternative parking options can be found along Eaton Drive. Please DO NOT park on the side of Robb Road as it is an active haul road and parking is not permitted.

On Sunday, June 24th, the Hinton Disc Golf Association is having their Grand Opening event at 1pm. The parking lot is open but will likely be very busy! Again, please consider alternative parking options, or bike/walk from home!


Shred Sisters Weekend Workshop next Month!


Registration still open

Registration for 2018 is still OPEN! Have you registered yet?

We can't wait to have you join us this year--we have so much fun planned! With some new coaches, new students, new courses, we've got lots of new, new, new to share!

Beginner Workshop


2-day workshop: Learn How to Mountain Bike

This weekend workshop is for women who have little or no experience on a mountain bike and would like to learn the fundamentals of riding in a fun, safe, professional, and supportive environment.

Sign up for the Beginner Workshop!



Intermediate Workshop


2-day workshop: Improve your Mountain Bike Skills.

This weekend course is for women who have taken the beginner program before or have been riding for few years and are interested in improving their mountain biking skills. It is also an amazing opportunity to meet like-minded riding buddies.

Sign up for the Intermediate Workshop!



Trail Report: May 19, 2018

Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA)


Hinton Bike Park

Just a heads up: pine beetle crews are still present in and around the bike park.  Please avoid any flagged or signed areas while they complete their work. They are falling trees and are very active.  Thanks for your patience while they complete this important work.  Other than that, the bike park is dry and rideable.   Tuesday, May 22, HMBA will be doing maintenance in the park starting at 7pm.  Hope you can join us!


Happy Creek Trail System

Trails are in rideable condition!  Just a few soft spots to watch out for.  So as always, please ride with care and be conscious of muddy or soft spots.  Avoid going around wet/muddy spots - this results in trail widening.  Walking your bike through these questionable sections is always a good alternative!

Jack's Trail System

On May 15, 2018, the Board of the HMBA voted to downgrade this trail system as "unsanctioned".   A lot of clearing and fire smarting has happened in this area and the trails are very difficult/impossible to find.  Upper trails are still "untouched", but getting there will be tricky.  Ride at your own risk!



Access Road to Gasifier

Access Road to Gasifier

Gasifier is good to go! But the road to the top may still need some drying out. The snow is probably gone, but there may still be water/mud puddles on the road.  4x4 vehicle highly recommended.


Still time to register for Shred Sisters!

Bike Hinton

Shred Sisters 2-day Weekend Workshop in Hinton on July 28-29. Only a few spots remaining!!

Intermediate level: 
This is a weekend course for women who have taken the beginner program before or have been riding for few years and are interested in improving their mountain biking skills. It is also an amazing opportunity to meet like-minded riding buddies.…/weekend-workshop-intermediate-hi…/

Beginner level:
This is a weekend workshop for women who have little or no experience on a mountain bike and would like to learn the fundamentals of riding in a fun, safe, professional, and supportive environment.…/beginners/weekend-workshop-begin…/



Hinton Sprockids: Reminder for Parents

Bike Hinton

Well hello everyone,

Finally it's that time of year where we get out kids out learning and having fun out on our beautiful trails and bike park.

Just a few reminders:

1. 1st session (tomorrow) will be at Mountain View School.
2. If you can, please be there at 5.45pm so all the coaches can hand out all of the goodies to the riders.
3. If you haven't purchased a HMBA member, PLEASE DO IT TODAY - its for insurance purposes.
You can purchase Online, at Vicious Cycle, Bike Boy or at Hinton Voice.
4. All bikes must be in working order. They will be checked.
5. DON'T FOGET HELMETS, All children and ADULTS must have helmet. If you forget to bring a helmet we can't let you ride!!!
6. Please make sure all kids and adults go to the bathroom before arriving at sprockids as there is NO bathroom facilities at the school grounds.
7. Make sure kids are wearing appropriate clothing, footwear, bring water
8. Pray for the rain to go away for our first session.

I will send out an email if it rains to hard and we can't have our first session, so keep an eye out for it around 4pm-5pm tomorrow. If you don't get an email it will be still on, just dress for the weather condition.

I'm pretty excited to see everyone tomorrow

Thank You

Casey Hore
Sprockids Coordinator


HMBA Downgrades Jack's Trails to "Unsanctioned"

Bike Hinton


Jack's Trails now "Unsanctioned"

On May 15, 2018, the HMBA Board or Directors had to make the decision to downgrade the Jacks Trail System to "Unsanctioned".  This means that the trail is no longer maintained by the Hinton Mountain Bike Association.  Riders ride at their own risk!

In early Spring of 2018, extensive clearing occurred in the lower areas of the trail system which ultimately erased and/or damaged the trails.  The area is also slated for future development.  The Board decided that it will focus on the Hinton Bike Park and Happy Creek Trail System moving forward.



HMBA Maintenance Nights

Bike Hinton

The HMBA has scheduled 4 maintenance nights in the upcoming weeks!

These maintenance nights will focus on the Hinton Bike Park (week 1), Happy Creek Trail Bridge (week 2), Rock Band Boardwalk (week 3) and Happy creek Trail Drainage and other bridges (week 4).

As things can be unpredictable, the work scheduled for these maintenance nights may be different than originally described.

Volunteers: Please wear appropriate shoes and clothing as we will be working in forested areas. Gloves, water and snacks highly recommended. Access to sites will be on foot, unless otherwise notified.

Meeting location for week 1 will be at the Hinton Bike Park, near seacans/parking lot. Weeks 2-4 will be determined at a later date.


Trail Report: May 10, 2018

Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA)


Hinton Bike Park

Just a heads up: pine beetle crews are hard at work in and around the bike park right now. Please avoid the area for the interim while they complete their work. They are falling trees and are very active. This is particularly true in and around the new trail (Pembina Sprockids Trail) by the park and just west of the drop zone, slope wars and Fo shore. Thanks for your patience while they complete this important work.


Happy Creek Trail System

Most trails are in rideable condition!  Just a few soft spots to watch out for on Bighorn and Just Give'r.  The connecting double-track trail between Happy Creek East and Slow Cooker (south end) is messy/muddy.

Please ride with care and be conscious of muddy or soft spots.  Avoid going around wet/muddy spots - this results in trail widening.  Walking your bike through these questionable sections is always a good alternative!

Jack's Trail System

If you are not familiar with this trail system, it is best to avoid it.  A lot of clearing and fire smarting is happening in this area and the trails are very difficult/impossible to find.



Access Road to Gasifier

Access Road to Gasifier

Gasifier is about 98% ready too! But the road to the top may still need some drying out. So if you like pushing your bike up hill, it's good to go!


Donations for HMBA & Sprockids!


Thank you!!

The Hinton Mountain Bike Association (HMBA) would like to thank the following Hinton businesses for their ongoing contributions!!

Daniel Duval at Hinton Wealth planning of Assante Financial Management Ltd. donated $300 towards the Hinton Sprockids program

AWM_AFM Hinton Welath Planning_547 cmyk.png


West Fraser Ltd., Hinton Division donated $300 towards the Hinton Sprockids program.


Talisman Logging donated $1000 to the HMBA!

Talisman Logging.jpg


Trail Report: May 3, 2018

Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA)

Hinton Bike Park

Please avoid the bike park's Dirt Jumps, Skills Area and Flow Master until further notice.


Happy Creek Trail System

Outer trails are drying up nice!! Just get there, The J, Cleo's, Halloween Connector, Halloween, west happy are all 98% dry, ready to ride. 

Jack's Trail System

No trail reports available.


Access Road to Gasifier

Access Road to Gasifier

Gasifier is about 98% too! But the road to the top still has a lot of snow on parts. So if you like pushing your bike up hill, it's good to go!




For those who missed it, here's the 2018 HMBA AGM Recap:

The following Board Members have been voted in where () shows # of years in that position:
President: Jay Hore (2nd year)
Vice-President: Colin Pratt (2nd year)
Treasurer: Julie Duval (2nd year)
Secretary: Casey MacKay (1st year)
Operations: Jesse Kirillo (2nd year)
Director at Large: Mike Langford (1st year)

Thank you, Jonathan Hayward - outgoing Secretary, for doing a great job this past year! Good luck in your new adventures!

Key points of the April 12th AGM:
- The operating budget allocated to the Hinton Bike Park via the Operating Agreement between the HMBA and the Town of Hinton has increased from $5,000 annually to $15,000 annually. 
- 2018 Hinton Bike Park spring maintenance (hired contractor) will occur mid to end of May/early June.
- No new builds planned for 2018
- Hinton Sprockids (with over 80 kids registered) will be trying a different format this year: 6 sessions in May/June with a fun day with BBQ planned on June 23rd. A big welcome and thanks to Casey Hore for stepping up as our new Sprockids Coordinator.
- Shred Sisters Skills Workshop happening on July 28-29. Register online!
- Tim Trahan was recognized for his many years (10+) of volunteering and service to HMBA. Check out his bike's headset next time you meet him on the trails :)

Other things you should know:
- Two styles of jerseys are available for pre-order (before April 30th!!) Check out the options at
- HMBA has an online survey. Fill it out now!
- HMBA will have some Trail Counters on some key trails this summer which will help provide trail statistics.
- Mountain Pine Beetle work will be happening in the Hinton Bike Park and surrounding areas.

Happy Trails!


Hinton Bike Park Not Ready Yet!


The Hinton Bike Park is "closed" due to poor conditions.  This is a critical time of the year when the frost is coming out of the ground and making trails, jumps, berms, etc very soft and muddy.   Any ruts and erosion created during this time means higher maintenance and dollars spent on repairs later this spring.

Please help keep the Hinton Bike Park and the trail networks in the best shape possible by refraining to bike the trails until conditions are suitable.

